Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Choosing the faculty agricultural reason ~

Slightly disappointed, I did not pass the first choice in the selection kedualah it was accepted. I majored in agribusiness, confusion and mixed feelings. Until the determination, I decided to continue education on the subject that I choose. Of the many people I have met many who ask why courses in agriculture in the economy ?, why guns and worse Lecture on the farm, so what, would nyangkul lo?
I replied with a smile because I myself did not know after this I will be like. And today I say, I did not regret studying in the faculty of agriculture, many valuable lessons that I get that probably not will I get if I am a student of another. I once heard a lecture at the Department of Soil Science so what? Want to be a grave digger, aangat silly not.
So, what do I get? Of the many science, at least there is one thing that changed my paradigm about the farm itself. What is it ?, if I have never attended college at the faculty of agriculture possible until today when you hear the word agriculture is in my mind just a hoe, paddy, rice, and dirty.
I just wanted to say, it's not just a hoe agriculture, rice, paddy and dirty. For people who think like that I suggest, expanding his views on agriculture, why agriculture is identified with hoes, rice, and rice paddies look at the farm was actually very broad and not limited to the hoe and fields.

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