Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

My favorite Aplication

Assalammualaikum wr. wb.
On this time I will tell you about my favorite apliction.

First aplication i like is a facebook. Why I like the facebook aplication? Because on facebook is a lot of users of this application and I am attracted to venture into business and raising my efforts through the Group facebook users many in the group is not just one group but there are hundreds of groups I belong to, because in the group that I joined that I always marketing effort , such as pairs of satellite television services via satellite dish small, fix my parbola and long enough to undergo this profession because of its hefty profits each month to the cost of everyday life. In addition, I also always visit the group job, because through that group I can updet about infromation a job and I can share information with your friends and if there is a job that fits my profession and not to clash with the lecture, I will join in the company if they are admitted.

And my second favorite applications are LINE. LINE is an Android smartphone app. LINE application, lately I often use the LINE app for easy application and simple to use this application can also be used to communicate with friends and others. the reason I use this app because our class information is sometimes delivered via in app Line Group. And also these applications are widely used today, especially for android smartphone users.
That's my favorite aplication, see you next assignment
Wassalammualaikum wr. wb

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